Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Tues 27th Feb: TGF all the fantastic children I met at Forest Way today. So many lovely kids. I had such fun at dinner time, playing Tig in the fantastic playground with a lad who just giggled the whole time. One child was the politest I have ever met. Everybody seemed to want to say hello and ask my name. And I made Ryan's day when I fixed his slinky. Me and Michael earned stickers for our fantastic work in French, and Alison made my day by letting me have a go in Soft Play at the end of the day :-)

Wed 28th Feb: TGF all the people that do so much work for church but never get the credit they deserve, or maybe even people realising their vaule and just how much they do behind the scenes.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Remembering why I do it

Mon 26th Feb: TGF the rare occassions when I actually get to teach. Have had two moments recently when I have been able to show a child how to do something...and step back to watch them smile as they enjoy doing it.

And TGF: the emotion that can be communicated through a look (quite amazing that as an Aspie I have finally grasped this concept...though I still get confused!)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Getting dunked

Sunday 25th Feb: TGF all the people that got baptised and confirmed on Sunday night. Esp Dom. Esmee, Nick and Jenny. It is soooo fantastic to see people that you know and love 'officially' become your bro/sister. Its weird, I can't describe the feeling. Part of it is being really proud of them, but its only a tiny bit of how proud God is of them.

Also TGF being able to worship through dancing and jumping to awesome music. The Music team were fantastic. Amazes me that music can make me cry one moment and leap and spin with joy the next.

Finally TGF chilling out on a Sunday afternoon with good friends...sprawled on a sofa listening to my best friend play piano...thankyou.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Things to thank God for

The idea for this blog just now popped into my head. We have so much to thank God for. I thought maybe I would try throughout Lent (and beyond) to post one thing every day that I thank God for. I guess the reason for this is mainly last Sunday's two services at Emmanuel. I was drumming in both services, but they were both very different experiences for me, because of my attitude.

Something had happened on Saturday night that had sent me to 'Aspie Land'. Sunday morning I was still wanting to be 'Selfish 10 year old boy Aspie', and shut the world out and protect myself. I was really angry that stuff is not exactly the way I want it, and also I was scared that I am so open to being hurt again. Aspie Harley does not like letting people in and having to trust them.

So in the morning service I was shutting people out and being really grumpy with God, despite the theme being 'Thanksgiving' and I was still feeling sad by the time I got to the evening service.

Something happened in that service, and the message got through to my thick head. I have so much to thank God for, and most of the time I look at stuff and my life completely the wrong way, focussing on what is hard or not exactly how I want it.

The worship in that service was exactly what I needed. God made me just forget about whatever was on my mind...and just praise Him with everything that I am. The display made by the Junior Music Team has the best definition ever....Worship is...making noise to God!

So I made noise to God...lots of it. I totally lost myself in drumming and singing and just thanked God for His love and every blessing that he pours out on me.

Sunday 18th Feb: TGF the time I get to spend with the people I love (not focussing on when we are apart and how hard is to be alone, but thanking Him for the many, many great times we share) And for worship...making noise to God

Monday 19th Feb: TGF great friends that forgive you for being late and help you to win quizzes!

Tuesday 20th Feb: TGF time. However fast it passes. And for Soul Survivor. And cheese sandwiches.

Wed 21st Feb: TGF children that have the intelligence and courage to stand up for their opinions (and I pray for God's hand on those that seem to believe the racist, sexist, homophobic etc etc comments that they make)

Thurs 22nd Feb: TGF Aspie moments (the ones that are very funny afterwards)

Fri 23rd Feb: TGF Bridges and Mongrels (people that can connect between Aspies and NTs...I can't value my bridge enough

Sat 24th Feb: TGF the other Aspies that I know. Breakfast with two of my faves was great. And training buddies that help me push my body whilst they sort my head! And for chocolate and the amusing things you can do with it ;-)