Friday, January 25, 2008

His help

Friday 25th Jan: TGF escaping school at 12 to go spend the weekend away...for free!

Thurs 24th Jan: TGF productive days where you can cross off the list lots of nasty jobs that you were putting off...and putting off...and...

Wed 23rd Jan: TGF not spending fifty quid in London to find out that We will rock you is rubbish.....and as a Queen fan it really pains me to say that.

Tues 22nd Jan: TGF friends prayers that see you through tough times. TGF the wooden cross I held in the service and Grandad's magnets he got in a cracker that kept me distracted at the social thing after.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Sunday 20th Jan: On the wall in the prayer space at Hope Hamilton church....

Thank God for who you are

Friday, January 04, 2008

Grandad Fox

Friday 4th Jan: TGF my Grandad. He died today. He just couldn't fight to breathe anymore. He was great. He taught me much and I had a lot to learn from him. He taught me to take care over the things you make and that some things take a long time to complete. I need to learn from him to never complain..however much it hurts or how bad I feel. It must have been so hard for him, yet all we ever heard him say was "Just a minute" as he caught his breath.

I am proud to have been his grand-daughter. I got my taste for Guinness from him, and we both wear woolly hats indoors, to my mother's amusement. I hope I made him proud.

He was a craftsman. He carved wood. He was amazing. I wish that he could have seen my pictures, and told me more about his work, about the squirrel that was his trademark. I have always treasured the cross he made me. So simple for a man of his skill, but so perfectly made, with the same care that went into a claw and ball leg or the cover for a font.

My Grandad was always happy and always offered me a sweet. I still have some here on my desk, that he made me take the last time I saw him. TGF the last Christmas we had together, and that I got to say "see ya Grandad" one last time.