Sunday, November 30, 2008

Answered prayers

TGF Apple being kind... actually apple being super wonderful and lovely. They gave me, as in for free, a replacement power supply. Thus saving me 59 whole pounds that it would have cost to buy a new one after a certain naughty rat boy chewed through mine. Thank you God and thank you Apple. And my family, though confused about the contents of the store, appreciated the welcome they received. They even offered my Nan a chair. Bless 'em!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I was about to lose it..

TGF Alison phoning and managing to keep me calm when I was about to completely explode at losing my Apple receipts. TGF Alison praying that God would guide me to them. TGF God guiding my eyes to the Guinness pint glass on the stereo where I had put the receipts to keep them safe.
I'm such a dumbass. God must really despair of me sometime.


TGF M and Ms. I'm getting so so so fed up with corrections... naughty treats keeping me going.

TGF the Star Wars soundtrack. Not too distracting, but enough to keep me from going mad! (NO comments there please)

Monday, November 17, 2008

At last

TGF my phone working again. Scary how reliant I am on it. Did my head in all weekend! but.. back now.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

God's paintbox

TGF sunrises of a beautiful orangey pink colour that you would never be able to capture in a photo (so I didn't try, just looked).

TGF cover supervisers at school that work really hard in a pants job... but it means I am allowed the day off when I am ill (won't start the CS/supply debate here...)

TGF being able to email and blog from the warmth of my big duvet.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


TGF a loft full of fleece. TGF cars when its raining. TGF hot water bottles. TGF 2 for 1 curry at the pub (thanks Shaun). TGF talking through problems.

Friday, November 07, 2008


TGF the scene outside the swimming pool window...the sun shining on red autumnal leaves. TGF friends that forgive you when you accidentally bite their finger...oops. TGF afternoon naps. TGF the last few skittles. TGF really good CDs dirt cheap from a jumble sale (Madness!!).

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Aspie Heaven

TGF bonfire night. TGF the smell. TGF fireworks. Love it.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Creation a little messing from mankind!! ... TGF these cool roses....

Sunday, November 02, 2008


TGF a fab day in Legoland. All the star wars stuff was cool... especially my Lightsaber training!! TGF fireworks... to the SW music! TGF getting to play with a JCB digger. TGF Alison's patience and understanding.... letting me go do all the Jedi stuff that was supposed to be for 'younglings'... and for staying and being cheerful, even thought it was very cold and wet.