Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The move

TGF being able to help yesterday. TGF answered prayer the night before that enabled me to actually get home (timely arrival of a RAC van). TGF my fab friends and the SW Lego they got me for passing my PhD.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

the obvious one

... at this time of year is TGF sending his Son. Also TGF having a family to go home to, TGF internet and mobiles to keep in touch with mates back in other home. TGF toys (even though I am gutted I didn't get any Lego). TGF christmas pudding with Grand Marnier cream hehehe. TGF playing games until 3 in the morning.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How different

TGF finally getting things sorted and being happy with each other... really happy. Asking for His help getting through the next couple of weeks... that I know when to be there, and when to give space.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

no fair

TGF orange squash when its the only thing you can keep down. TGF my brilliant friends looking after me. TGF presents of milk and OJ... and tins of Roses hehe.
However.. have to question why I'm ill again..only just got over the last lot. No fair. And also why my tape deck broke this morning ... no more harry potter to send me to sleep :-(

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Long time coming

TGF certain letters.. at last.. TGF my wonderful uncle and dad.. fixing up my house for me while I cough and sneeze upstairs.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Not funny God

TGF ways around problems. TGF being so nearly there on the thesis. TGF singstar (all hyper from school CM festival). TGF Deano! TGF everything going smoothly today for the funeral. TGF being able to help (Len's speeches were funny)

Sunday, December 07, 2008


I guess I have to TGF his faithfulness. And his unchanging nature. And his grace. And that he is always there for us even when things are going seemingly pear shaped in our lives. I need to to ask him to help to think how things are for other people, and not to be so wrapped up in my own world and how things affect me.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Easter Bunny

TGF Len... happy with Auntie and Big G now.