Monday, March 29, 2010


TGF my first cuddle with the baby Raptor :-)

Sunday, March 28, 2010


TGF finding things you need at the car boot sale.

TGF naps on a sunday afternoon .. esp after having been woken up by the alarm at 4.15am.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

So cute

TGF the safe arrival of baby Isabel (known to me and Pete as Meg hehe).

Monday, March 22, 2010

So Sweet

TGF how cute my washing is today. The sight of these tiny clothes drying in my house is so cute. Its making me cry.. half with hurt, but half with gladness that at least I get to do this, even if I don't ever get to be a Mum.

Just wait..

TGF him completely turning around a situation. Two weeks ago it had me on my knees sobbing, wondering why this world was so unfair, why being a good and generous person just gets you taken for a ride...

Yet he turned it around.. he gave me the ability to fight this for myself.. and now the outcome is so different.. I don't know how He changed it.. but He did.

Thank you God.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Albeit more slowly

TGF still being able to run...