Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More cool cars

TGF the nice guy who let me look inside his CV today and gave me a pile of old CV magazines.
TGF the 30 mins x box reward at the end of the day
TGF having gainful employment even if it does mean an 8am to 10:30pm working day sometimes

My all time gave

TGF cool cars (the new head has a Lotus Elise)

Monday, August 30, 2010


TGF toys.. That I am champion of the universe at.. And ones I am too scared to try cos I know I will be awful (dining table ping pong and motoGP.. In that order!!)

Whiled away the hours walking

TGF the warmth of the sun
TGF haribo

Nits for pets

TGF outnumbered clips on you tube

Sooo tired

TGF the last lie in

Size ain't everything

TGF ping pong and pub quizzes.
TGF all the guys getting round the MotoGP safely

Sunday, August 29, 2010


TGF chewing nuts.. Which don't actually contain nuts.. Which you would know if you'd been scoffing them all afternoon

Bringing up Baby

TGF the perfect excuse for questionable fashion choices


Sent from my iPhone

Friday, August 27, 2010

Creation 2

TGF ... That's powered by big clumsy feet


TGF beautiful grace

The bloomin obvious

TGF finding little things very amusing

Don't understand

TGF the weird ways God works... above and beyond understanding.
TGF faith the size of a mustard seed that can move a mountain

Hammer Pants

TGF utter silliness.. When all else fails: Just Dance

Wed: TGF the smell of the lavender bush in the rain

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Think this one is my favourite.TG that I still feel.

Hurt - Johnny Cash

TGF someone knowing how I feel

Simple pleasures

TGF reading Calvin and Hobbes in the sun

Monday, August 09, 2010

Thanks Chalkie

TGF Lego AT-ST models. And the mini fig ewoks are just the cutest!


TGF the perfect combination of purple and pink in a fuschia.

You gotta have

TGF faith... the size of a mustard seed.