Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Will I thank God one day?

Because right now I can't. 

I prayed and prayed, and trusted that he had answered my prayers.  

But with no warning she has deleted me from her life. 

Father, how is this you plan to prosper me? 

Father, how is this showing your love for me? 

I want to make today the one you wipe away every tear and take away the pain of this life

Monday, September 28, 2015

Jenson party

TGF time with Jesse.. Longest ever with the smiley kid

TGF the other two seeming happy to see me

TGF Parkrun PBs

TGF Nan coming to parties now

TGF Chalkie being his old silly self for a bit

TGF walks in the woods (caching at Blickling)

TGF clean duvet cover

TGF post run book and crisps instead of a mad rush


TGF lazy mornings with a duvet, coffee and a Bryson book

Thursday, September 24, 2015

More than slightly impressed

Was Cadet Riley at all the stuff I do so

TGF all my AT kit, amassed over the years

TGF a grand day out with school, to the park for chips :-)

TGF hot choc in bed, with a great book, laughing out loud

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

No uniform

TGF PT nights at cadets

TGF a warm bed

TGF kids helping with papier mâché 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Not sure

If I can trust God

TGF my bike, getting me from job to job

TGF time to finish a film 

TGF cold pizza

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Breakfast Run

TGF making my first CMA breakfast run in about a year

TGF crumble and custard

TGF lovely weather

TGF unexpected invites... TGF people actually wanting my company

Friday, September 18, 2015


TGF hot vimto

TGF chip butties

TGF running and rugby

Processing power

TGF being given the IQ to work through most of the difficulties of the autism

TGF AS's autism training and how hilarious her sidetrack moments are

TGF people at Go saving stuff for me to take to charity

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How much?

TGF finally getting insurance sorted

TGF every bike being valued at over the limit, so ending up with three times more than I dared imagine

TGF time to read about God and time to dream of what could be

Monday, September 14, 2015


TGF the post work run getting easier

TGF Valentino Rossi. Please let him get a tenth title this year

TGF getting stuff done, but help me to get better at keeping on top of things 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Geek time

TGF steam trains

TGF Dr Who

TGF enjoying both, with company for a change 

Making the most

TGF being flexible and staying over and taking josh to car boot

TGF making the most of a sunny afternoon and doing archery and making the most of apple stuff and finishing my GCR blog and making progress in the Ferarri

TGF having Tim and Becky to talk to when God appears to have forsaken me 

Friday, September 11, 2015


TGF connecting with L for a moment

TGF finishing another Morpurgo

TGF being able to read at lunchtimes

Thursday, September 10, 2015


TGF the progress made by J in the pool today

TGF me getting praised for it too

TGF Emily getting promoted

TGF lodger banter

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

TGF that book

TGF having time to read today

TGF the woman who gave me the book

Tuesday, September 08, 2015


TGF T's laugh while bouncing

TGF working in a school where the head bounces on the trampoline with the kids

TGF choosing God and book time, after making myself run. 

Monday, September 07, 2015

God's best

I should be believing that he will give his best to me.. I'm his child. 
Stop begging at least and start reminding God that he has promised me his best. 

TGF tickling M at lunchtime

TGF T on the trampoline

TGF managing cleaning, run and Cma after work. 

TGF my Gladis

TGF finally wearing my biker jacket bought aged 16(?) for biking. 

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Free, and with rights

TGF having the freedom to go to church

TGF crying at Shaun raising his hand to God

TGF a lovely bike ride... Seeing the one in my mirror, and hearing that beautiful sound approach

TGF competing for muppet of the year.. The keys incident vs crashing in your own garage. 

Free to be available

TGF being free to go run

TGF being free to decide chores or reading or 

TGF being free to help out a friend

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Worth the effort

TGF saving Ma lots of money on her bike... 
TGF my 12 hour day not sucking at all really.. It's just tiring
TGF having half an hour at the end of it to sit and snack and watch Stephen Fry 

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Would happily give up for...

Cadets for some better use of my time, like being with a friend. 

TGF being able to go shopping for food. Appreciate that it's not so easy for so many others. 

TGF a friend at Cadets who actually seems to care when I answer to how are you, and is happy for my new job

TGF the return of the lodger. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015


TGF how climbing feels

TGF having a job that means I can go climbing

TGF having a friend at school that felt 'inspired' to lend me a cd with a couple of talks on that he felt I needed to hear