Saturday, March 26, 2011

40 Things

I love that I am the proud owner of a VW campervan

Sunday, March 20, 2011

40 things

I like being a gay aspie, especially when I am around other gay aspies. I also like being an iPhone geek.

40 things

Drat. Forgot a few days. Saturday's was that I like that I still love moby enough to spend the morning outside cleaning him inside and out ignoring my dad saying scrap it and I like that I have the motivation to get out and be a tourist in my own home town. I like that I love learning stuff. I don't like the speed at which I then forget things though

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

40 Things

I like that I can trust God with my dreams and my heart's desires. I just need to learn to trust ALL the time. Even when things are at their darkest.

Monday, March 14, 2011

40 Things

I like that William and Garrett play with me at Tiny Tots

Sunday, March 13, 2011

40 Things

I like that I still haven't learnt that dancing in socks on a laminate floor is a bad idea (lol and ow)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

40 Things

I like that I have dreams and I love working hard to slowly fulfill those dreams. Yes I have spent the day at a T4 garage!

Friday, March 11, 2011

40 Things

3 - I like having a friend with the same silly sense of humour. Evidenced by the many emcat vs gemcat fights.
I don't like the fact she now live 3 hours away.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

40 Things

Very hard today. Tired of being hated both by the person I love most and by most of the pupils I teach. Struggling to think of anything to like.

2 - I like that for one or two lessons each week I get to teach pupils who are keen and nice and funny.
As for the rest of the week...

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

40 Things

Listening to Chris Evans on Radio 2 this morning. His Pause for Thought person said about how in lent maybe it was better to take something up rather than give up something. So.. I'm going to try to write here every day of Lent one thing that I like about myself or my life.

1 - God loves me.

Now my tummy hurts

TGF pancake day. I ate 6. Cadbury caramels was the best filling.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


TGF somehow having fun wading through a submerged field to look for Tupperware lol
TGF finding it easily and finding Lego inside :-)
TGF the lovely sunshine today

Monday, March 07, 2011

Mr men

TGF play doh

Saturday, March 05, 2011


TGF coffee and cadbury's rich tea biscuits with QI after a long run

Ding and djembe

TGF the Ark

Wibble Wobble

TGF jelly

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


TGF my carer jobs making up for the stress of my school one. Am currently watching toy story 2 and updating my blog while looking after Jamie :-)


TGF NOT having to pay a one hundred pound tax return fine :-)