Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hmm gotta think

Wed 28th March: TGF the phenomenal talent that God gives some people, and also the courage and determination to use it. Went to the cabaret evening at Rawlins and was amazed at what kids (many that would not even speak at Humphreys) can do.

Thurs 29th March: TGF forgetting about a crap day at school the instant I am with my best friend.

Friday 30th March: TGF having fun doing Easter bunny impressions in Yr 7 rugby...heroclicks club...cream cakes shared with a mate...a cuppa shared with a mate...squidgy skull sweets....being able to cope with broken promises for a with nice feeling ridge bits on the front

Saturday 31st March: TGF being able to walk...fruit and nut chocolate...the Gandalf stick I found...hugs that have to last 4 days

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Easily amused

Tues 27th March: TGF spitting apple pips....very satisfying...once you get over the suprise of a respectable grown up gobbing on you!

and the pic is from Saturday night, Toni's Hen night (which I found v stressful, but this amused me)....

Catching up

Friday 23rd March: TGF friends finding things skittles!

Sat 24th March: TGF being understood. I'm sure nobody else would get stressed at 'Mr Bean's Holiday' but with an Aspie Angel beside you, its kinda ok.

Sun 25th March: TGF being able to praise him on the drums (may well have had this one before). Although I felt happy and competent enough in practice, it really came alive in the service, and that only happens when God is helping me play and I'm playing to him not to the people.

Mon 26th March: TGF the strength that he gives us to get through things when we really have to.

Friday, March 23, 2007

hard but...

Wed 21st March: the smell of cut grass and breaking pencils on your forehead (doing the latter, not the smell of).

Thurs 22nd March: virtual hugs from friends over MSN.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Can I say sunshine again?

Monday 19th March: bit tricky. Bit of a crap day at school. Getting really fed up with trying to teach groups where only 3 or 4 (if that) out of 30 are actually trying to listen and learn. I guess TGF my woolly hat (Beanie to under 20s) which kept me snuggly warm while it was snowing when I was out teaching rugby. Would have said TGF winning the pub quiz but Ian wiped us out on a Dr Who question!

Tues 20th March: TGF Lego Tie Interceptors... Freddie Mercury... cuddles...chocolate cake....winter sun shining through the trees... new Bond movies.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Predictable but...

Sun 18th March: TGF my mum. TGF the strength he gives us to carry on as normal when we really have to, but can't do it by ourselves.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Blue skies...nothing but..

Sat 17th March: TGF blue skies and fluffy white clouds..... (and Aspies with a blow torch hehehe!)

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Friday 16th March: TGF the Highflyer version of Mad World...and dancing as though no-one is watching :-)

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Thurs 15th March: TGF how just being held in someone's arms can make everything ok

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hmmm needs custard!

Wednesday 14th March: TGF a great day at skool playing footy in the sunshine and feeling set up for the day by a swim before work. TGF Aspie mates who are really nice to you but also don't worry about being sociable and know that its ok for everyone to do their own thing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Tues 13th March: TGF sunshine and new toys and woolly hats and scarves. TGF not being given up on. TGF hot chocolate with rum in.

Its time to play the music

Monday 12th March: TGF the Muppet Show and Galaxy Eggs. And for the endless patience and forgiveness that someone shows for me.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Safe returns

Sunday 11th March: TGF us being back safely in Lufbra. TGF awesome worship songs like In Christ Alone (and TG that Emmanuel don't have to sing it for me just yet). TGF haribo and singing badly in the car.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Sat 10th March: TGF chips on the market and Cayley's Hot Chocolate and Ice Cream (never had ice cream IN hot choc before, was yummy. TGF Alison, born this day some years ago! TGF my crazy family (I have video evidence...and I am the autistic one???)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Guardian Angels

Friday 9th March: TGF me still being here! God has been keeping His eye on me and my Guardian Angel was watching over me.

Just after a roundabout on the way home I pulled up at the end of a queue of traffic just under a bridge. Next thing i know an articulated lorry pulls up very fast beside me, stopping level with the car in front. Thing is he pulled up on the inside...on the side of the so lucky God magicked a lorry sized space out of nowhere for him. If he had not swerved off I would not be here.

So thats my TGF for today ;-) Second time He has saved my life...He must have some cunning plan for me here!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Not 7BR1 !!!!

Thurs 8th March: TGF email. Unexpected emails that make your day. And that we can keep in touch with people wherever they are in the world.

Also crisps. TGF Walkers Sensations Peking Spare Rib and Five Spice Oriental Crackers.
And words. Invented words. TGF mantle and mooch.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Tues 7th March: TGF things that are so funny that they make you laugh out loud...and for so long that people demand to know what you are laughing at. Also TGF having birthday cake for tea.


Tues 6th March: TGF love...however hard it is

...and red shoes.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Coming back

Mon 5th March: TGF people that can turn you around with their prayers and their words. People that stick with you when you are angry at God and the world and are patient with you and can reveal to you yet again that there is so much to be thankful for and that God won't ever let you go. Somehow things will change.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Sat 3rd March: TGF mobile phones and bubble baths. Although not necessarily together as potentially a really bad idea.

Sun 4th March: TGF...really struggling. Well no, technically there is lots from today to thank God for, like unexpected dinner invitations, taking 25 mins to eat a Galaxy Egg, bringing God glory through playing drums even though I thought I was awful, getting the bridge in O Happy Day right (finally!), having finally conquered Ironing Mountain etc etc. I just am finding it very very difficult to feel like thankng God right now. Want to scream about how life is too hard and not fair instead. Still, God knows what is in my head and in my heart.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Fri 2nd March: TGF Daisys. Was at Beaumanor Hall today on an Outdoor Pursuits course (so TGF mud and climbing and running around and adventure playgrounds too hehehe) and was walking across a lawn when I noticed some daisys. Nothing huge about that I guess, but I suppose it just really struck me that these were the first of the year, and with the crisp air and bright sun shining on them, they were really beautiful.

Someone who believes in you

Thursday 1st March: TGF people that really believe in you and what you can do. The people that build you up again and set you back on your feet when life knocks you down.