Thursday, June 14, 2007

Faith...You gotta have it!

Tues 12th June: TGF George!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wed 13th June: TGF answered prayers for patience and calmness in the face of verbal abuse.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Gagged again

Mon 11th June: TGF comedy moments... The scene:Leicester Cathedral, Commisioning Service featuring the Bishop and more clergy than you could shake a stick at (not sure why you would want to shake a stick at them, but...) During a very quiet bit ...

Alison: That guy there used to be a curate at Emmanuel (points). He's retired now.
Harley: Oh. Do they get to keep the dog collar even when they are retired?
Alison: Oh yes...the dog collar is for life.
Harley: Not just for christmas.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Sun 10th June: TGF the safe delivery of Rach and Pete's baby girl!!!!!!! TGF for answering all our prayers when Pete left Worship practice at 6pm to go take Rach. TGF Pete remembering to tell us all! TGF Rach and Pete being such wonderful people with so much love to give this child.

TGF Steve helping me fix the arial so now I have TV in my room. TGF John making me laugh on top of the ladder so I wasn't scared anymore. TGF communicating and explaining. TGF pringle sandwiches. TGF being physically connected. TGF God looking after the people you really care about when there is nothing you yourself can do for them. TGF Jazz getting dunked. TGF helping me just laugh my way through the randomest drumming in the history of worship!!! TGF his peace and comfort to my angel when she needs it. TGF MSN getting me talking to people again when I think all hope is lost.

Aspie Angels

Sat 9th June: TGF aspie angels and safe places. TGF my angel being able to explain me to people I upset when I am trying so hard to be nice and do what they want. TGF just being hugged and not having to explain. TGF finally getting the guts to phone the bike training people.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Jack's Tipple

Thurs 7th June: TGF Pops (his birthday today...shares it with Dean Martin I just discovered). TGF being strong for each other. TGF impulsive buys that turn into sneaky plans. TGF thatchers perry (quite strong it turns out!).

Friday 8th June: TGF evenings spent putting photos online with the aid of a large rum and coke. TGF Deano falling asleep while I stroked his ears....even if he did then wee on my bed later.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Wed 6th June: TGF mates unexpectedly being on MSN at lunchtime. TGF eeyore baby grows. TGF duplo sheep for Jnr. TGF Wii tennis. TGF rachel's yummy brownies. TGF having a safe happy place to imagine when I am feeling sad.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Back to bedlam

Mon 4th June: TGF having a trip to the cinema to look forward to, which helped me through a very long day at school. TG that the reports aren't due in till friday! TGF friends that didn't mind me jiffling throughout Pirates 3. TGF helping me not scream and cry when I found I had lost my ring.

Tues 5th June: apparently I should TGF boys that leave the loo seat down.

Monday, June 04, 2007

The happiest week

Tues 29th May: TGF waking up late and not having to get out of bed. TGF the ingenuity of Aspies..cameras in socks.

Wed 30th May: TGF being rescued from visiting nurseries by going for a nice walk. TGF playing games with friends (even if certain people lose us the game because they can't keep quiet even though they are 'not playing')

Thurs 31st May: TGF Alison enjoying the cable cars at Matlock Bath and me not banging my head once in the cave. TGF wetting ourselves laughing over the floating handbag and Harley the Heavy.

Fri 1st June: TGF making it to Bakewell (finally). TGF not actually drowning when Alison made me laugh in the swimming pool. TGF Beckham's return (nice haircut, lovely legs!!)

Sat 2nd June: TGF Alison calming me down again after all the rubbish of life comes flooding back after a perfect week away from it all. TGF an awesome concert by The8. David's voice is amazing. TGF how much me and Karen laughed...Pooh Pooh...Ting....Hey!

Sun 3rd June: TGF the myseterious recovery of the projector when we tried the Windows fix on it. TGF yet another lovely dinner at the Walkers. TGF having a laugh in the garden after. TGF a successful cream tea event, the last Ten go to Tanzania fundraiser. TGF loud cymbal crashes (oops!).