Thursday, April 10, 2008

Beautiful things

Thurs 10th April: Just stumbled across my favourite blog in the world..Three Beautiful Things ... The writer describes 3 things every day that she found beautiful or made her happy or...

So even though in my head its been a crap day and I just want to give up, I'm sure if I think hard I can think of three good things, and remember that it was just one lesson that was awful, and just one person that made me cry with frustration. Here goes (and these are the things I TGF..)

1 - My very own Angel to calm me down on the phone when I'm in tears at the end of my patience, and to give me a hug a short while later.

2 - The feeling of riding my motorbike well

3 - Reminders of happy times, making a photo album for Graeme's birthday

4 - See, its easy. I can think of lots.... Coffee with gingerbread syrup in Wests.

5 - The ever present sense of humour Tim the face of so much adversity its untrue.

6 - Downloading a new album to listen to in the car

7 - Not knowing why, but still spending my own time looking for dance stuff that might engage the Year 9 girls.

8 - Looking forward to a book in bed notes, then Long Way Around.

9 - The Harley Davidson picture frame on my desk...with its photo of me and my Uncle Chalkie setting off fireworks on my brithday

10 - Danny doing my washing up for me.

11 - The cool smiley on my phone (the one with shades on!).

12 - Buying myself a Britain tour guide... inspiration for adventures (gotta get brave!)

13 - Minstrels...Mmmmmm

Easy....I so need to do this every day... just takes tears to make me realise what i need to focus on... the good stuff, not the nasty people.

'Night world....I'm off to snuggle up in a duvet with my book

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