Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Angel to the rescue yet again

Sat 31st May: TGF my Aspie Angel. Yesterday she found my rat. Today she removed an impressively large splinter from my finger. What would I do without her?

TGF sunshine on my back while I painted the fence (although a bit too much for the bits I couldn't reach with the sun cream). TGF the paint coming off easily enough in the shower (so glad they banned creosote). TGF help with looking for garden furniture. TGF a nice hour watching P+P. TGF Kevin Spacey. TGF swinging around the kitchen when there's no-one there to see you. TGF Eddie in french.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Another answered prayer

Fri 30th May: TGF finding Tembo. My little boy had a big adventure today. He must have followed me outside when I was getting the litter from the garage (did shut kitchen door, but evidently not well enough). Had a nightmare 6 hours not knowing where he was (and imagining some horrible possibilities). Had almost given up hope when Alison came to help. I spotted the chocolate he had stolen under my car, the only sign he was outside. After lots of frantic Frosties box shaking...Alison found him in the back of the garage. Was so so so relieved. Know how parents feel now (Mother had a laugh at me later.. I've done it to her twice).

So TGF finding my boy again. TGF Alison's search and capture skills. And TGF his forgiveness that I give up hope and don't trust him.

TGF amazing and lovely moments to treasure. TGF making someone happy with a present. TGF a sense of hope that things will be ok one day... give it time.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

so much

Thurs 29th May: TGF answered prayer...for someone to feel better, for them to sleep well, for strength to deal well with difficult situations, for His help day by day to do the best job of caring for someone.
TGF the kinaesthetics of Air. TGF a nap when you're all tired out. TGF lovely shared moments of closeness. TGF pancakes for second breakfast. TGF early morning walks. TGF snails and whatever is on their stalks. TGF church hall cake. TGF 'priceless' oil paintings (lol). TGF Grandma's iron will. TGF the afternoon film showing. TGF ideas for candles. TGF beer and crisps and kicking ass at Articulate. TGF five Creme Eggs for 50p. TGF being able to look after someone and love them in simple ways, like warm socks. TGF being cried on. TGF being rested on.

TGF a lovely couple of days spent with my favourite person.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The streets are paved with gold you know.

Monday 27th May. TGF tesco clubcard vouchers...a day out in London for 16 quid. TGF having a great day and doing loads despite the pouring rain. TGF looking forward to things.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hundredth Post...Woo Hoo!

Sunday 25th May. TGF playing Wii with an unexpected guest...Sunday afternoon's watching Bond films...Naps in the middle of Bond films...central heating, even though it is May.

From this morning at Beacon... Faith, Hope and Love...and the definition of love. Remember it Harley.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

no time to think

Sat 24th May: TGF keeping busy. Although things to not TGF might include the fence being longer than you thought (therefore takes longer to paint...and it was freezing and I was hungry). TGF funny noises...I mean REALLY funny noises that have you LOL for 5 minutes (the kickball noise from Napoleon Dynamite...Ems knows what I mean).

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Oily hands

Thurs 1st May: TGF fixing my motorbike in the school car park with the aid of Scott (who is officially my hero and the coolest bloke around, he has the Ewan bike and a Harley).