Friday, May 30, 2008

Another answered prayer

Fri 30th May: TGF finding Tembo. My little boy had a big adventure today. He must have followed me outside when I was getting the litter from the garage (did shut kitchen door, but evidently not well enough). Had a nightmare 6 hours not knowing where he was (and imagining some horrible possibilities). Had almost given up hope when Alison came to help. I spotted the chocolate he had stolen under my car, the only sign he was outside. After lots of frantic Frosties box shaking...Alison found him in the back of the garage. Was so so so relieved. Know how parents feel now (Mother had a laugh at me later.. I've done it to her twice).

So TGF finding my boy again. TGF Alison's search and capture skills. And TGF his forgiveness that I give up hope and don't trust him.

TGF amazing and lovely moments to treasure. TGF making someone happy with a present. TGF a sense of hope that things will be ok one day... give it time.

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