Friday, July 25, 2008


Fri 25th July: TGF managing to snooze for a while after waking ridiculously early. TGF my new (car boot) Darth Vader mug (had run out...saved me washing up!!) TGF breakfast outside at the table. TGF "the olds" (Whitley's term not mine!) noticing that the garden looked nice. TGF Karen and Alison that got it that way last night...drippin they were! TGF Pops teaching me stuff as he replaced the brake caliper. TGF Ma cleaning the kitchen despite being told to stop. TGF my photo albums...appreciated. TGF a good film...Kung Fu Panda...and bless Alison for snoozing a wee bit. TGF a quick read. TGF the t-shirt fitting nicely. TGF managing to get a little work done. TGF leftover curry for tea...yum. TGF a nice chat on MSN and TGF Gene's blog. Phew. TGF sleep soon.

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