Saturday, September 06, 2008


TGF the fact that He knows the bigger picture...he really does know what is best for us...even if we don't agree at the time.

TGF the footprints poem. Just seeing my framed one Alison made me at church made me cry. TGF how creatively Alison used the idea of footprints to show how God is good. TGF how brilliant G Factor is...TGF Alison for creating it. TGF all the other people brought together by Alison's work on Alpha courses that help make it happen.

TGF George Michael. TGF the smell of fresh washing. TGF knowing what you want to eat for tea. TGF jelly babies. TGF really good waterproofs. TGF really good timing (arrived in front of the Walker's TV the second that Gemma Prescott appeared on it in the Paralympic opening ceremony. TGF being able to pray for someone I know so far away. TGF sport, whatever the performer's ability. TGF my cuddly toys. TGF the lovely people that have bought me many as I look round my room. TGF my fantastic friend Emma...for her time, and commitment to help her friends sort things out...and her help with making my house a lovely place to be.

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