Friday, October 31, 2008

Apple...just the coolest

TGF my new Apple MacBook...that I'm writing this on. It's my reward for finishing the thesis. TGF Alison's kindness... getting the first non-working (Chalkie's bad luck must be genetic!) Macbook back to the Apple store and trading it for this cool whizzy one. Big grin. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


TGF this lovely feeling of having finished my thesis and emailed it to my supervisor. (Lets hope it doesn't come back covered in red pen!!)


TGF warm duvets and fleece blankys. TGF purple sunrises. TGF 5 minute visits. TGF being almost there. TGF staying calm when Word messes up page numbers. TGF old man slippers when its cold. TGF wii play while waiting for the contents of your chip butty to cook hehe

Sunday, October 26, 2008


TGF the rat boys skipping about while I work...bounding straight past the popcorn...Boy Vision at work!!! TGF real coffee to wake up snoozy brain. TGF my glasses and my sight. TGF the mess in my room...a sign that I'm actually doing the PhD, not work avoiding!! TGF looking forward to dinner out later. TGF maybe it raining bad at half six this I can get some work done instead of selling nothing at the car boot.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Constant nibbling

TGF Haribo.

Dahl's Chickens

TGF being able to go hear JPK play... not altogether unpleasant! TGF haircuts. TGF making progress on PhD. TGF all the books I've still got from when I was a kid (I know...still am).

Monday, October 20, 2008


TGF what NTs refer to as a 'support network'. I think of it more as 'people who have some idea of where you are coming from, and are willing to talk about it'. TGF getting to know Sig (btw..if you read this...I NEED to see the photos of you with my haircut that James was talking about!)

TGF a room full of stuff to stare at and distract myself from starting PhD. TGF cow slipper socks. TGF being facebook friends with cool people at school...we have a life beyond! TGF the Frosties I'm now going to go get.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Scrummy Puddings

TGF sunday lunch with friends. TGF toffee apple bread and butter pudding. TGF that nice feeling when the house is all tidy and organised (however briefly). TFG big warm jumpers. TGF strawberry scented candles. TGF really silly records ( bad as we remembered!).

Friday, October 17, 2008

Little things...well and some big ones too

TGF loving my Toy Story duvet hehe. TGF being happy at still being a kid most of the time. TGF photos that remind me of a fabulous day (Sheringham). TGF brilliant CDs for 20p each at car boot sales. TGF being hungry...but knowing that I can just go downstairs and find food... TGF life here being easy when you think about it (hard to remember sometime tho). TGF jelly babies. TGF playing games on a friday afternoon. TGF making it to half term having only ranted about school once.

TGF being able to give stuff to people who can make good use of it. Really happy that the laptop I wrote a lot of my thesis on is now on its way to the TESO project in Uganda (Sponsors girls to go to secondary school) instead of living out its days unused under my bed. Feel a bit sad quite attached to it, the PhD was hard, and I really loved my secondhand, yet cool laptop.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


TGF helping my foot get better. TGF progress made on phd. TGF chill out time playing games. TGF stereos being random and breaking and working again (it was scared of Steve TR!) TGF looking forward to naughty food. TGF Eddie.

Getting better

TGF things looking hopeful. TGF my foot getting loads better. TGF being able to play football (even though thats where I hurt it in the first place). TGF meals with a friend. TGF a drink out in the sun. TGF ready brek (was feeling left out that everyone seems to be following JPK's Porridge Plan!!)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Much fun

TGF my bike.

Am having fun riding it at the mo (tad chilly in the mornings, but ok) and Scott has told me something I hadn't realised, so may be able to take proper test sooner rather than later. Mainly as might not cost 600 quid. Which I er.. don't have!

Thursday, October 09, 2008


TGF really blue sky...even if it is freezing!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Something that actually works

TGF central of the few things in this house that works. TGF chilled Sunday mornings in bed with a coffee, sorting old photos (even if this was cut short by a 'can you come to church' phone call).

TGF cool mates and trampolines....