Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Shack

TGF the book I got at the car boot last week.. The Shack. I am finding the way God is portrayed/described in this extremely valuable, as its really a God I can relate to, and believe that she really does care about me, and is looking out for me. Its helping me to trust that God knows our hearts and our heads, and that she lets us make our own choices, but also is going to work out her plan and make things good within those choices.

Have underlined a lot of stuff in it.. and wrote one line out and stuck it on my wall. "God's timing is perfect".

Tough.. but I have to remember that. God won't do things on my timescale.. but hers. Cos she knows best. Meantime I have to pray she'll help me keep faith that it is all being worked out.. maybe not the way I'd thought, but maybe for the best.

So next time I am caught sobbing can you please remind me of this post.. remind me that God has told me to Trust Her.. and told me some other stuff.. and one day life will be good.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


TGF things that happened on Saturday... if I'm right...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A real friend

TGF Karen.. who always seems to be there.. at the end of a skype chat.. when I really need someone to put me back together and help me to keep faith that God will sort it. TGF her ability to see through things and to call it as she sees it.

Spoke too soon

Last post was a little premature.. the person who was supposed to be my new housemate phoned up and said he'd found somewhere else. So.. still no housemate.. but having to trust God.. sure will be ok in the end.

Still praying for the most important thing in the world to be sorted.. praying God can heal and reveal.. I wish I had the power to do it.. but I think its up to others now to see whats really happening and do the right thing.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Still praying and praying and praying for the most important thing in my life to be sorted.. don't know how he will do it.. but he keeps saying 'Trust Me'.

Meantime.. he has given me a housemate (starting June 20th) who seems ok!

..and a new job (still teaching but..) as support worker for a lovely guy with CP. I'm really scared as I have no experience.. but sure God will help me..

..and I still have my old job.. and I'm allowed to do it now..

So TGF keeping me calm over the last month.. through testing times.. TGF the hope He gives me that things will get better.. trust him