Saturday, April 07, 2007

Good Friday

Friday 6th April: TGF giving His son. TGF Jesus being courageous and faithful enough to trust in his father. He could have run away, he knew what was coming, and he got have got out of it. I know I would not have been able to take the pain and taunting and everything else he went through, but to have known it was coming and to have chosen to face it is astounding.

We went to see 'Christ in the Centre' in Leicester. As the risen 'Jesus' left the stage he walked off through the crowd of people watching. A couple of people touched him as he went through, but then one bloke just grabbed him and hugged him. Not sure why it made me cry (then and now). Maybe its because I hope that when I see him he will just give me a hug and tell me that he loves me.

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