Friday, July 03, 2009


TGF Him reassuring me yet again... telling me it will all happen if I just Trust Him and am faithful (book called 'My Dear Child' this time).

TGF a much needed talk yesterday.. one I was dreading, but that went through difficult and tears to leave us parting much closer. Think God is letting me know what I need to do, and reassuring me that He is doing the rest... I've learned that when I'm not in control God is free to do His stuff.

TGF the talk on Tuesday that I would never have made happen.. but through "chance" God made it happen. I hope I said what I was supposed to. I seem a bit more sure too about the path God has mined up for me. Its a scary one, but I don't think I will walk it alone. God made all of us. He made all of us different. He made us exactly how we are for his purposes. Its a slow process learning to go from hating how he made us, and how it makes life difficult for us (would often give anything to be straight, NT etc) to seeing that maybe these things give us a unique position from which to fufill his unique purposes for us.

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