Thursday, August 13, 2015

Word of the Day said...

To be grateful for three things each day. So let's start the TGF Blog again. 
Today's first one is that they have made an App for Blogger, so I can now do this easily from iPad and phone. 

TGF all my army kit - that I have everything I need, that I got it all (nearly) sorted last night, and for all the help my Mum gave me before my first annual camp three years ago. 

TGF my new phone - even though I can't get the sim working the phone is awesome and I can still message my favourite person and that the old phone still works so it was the kick up the bum to sort the upgrade, but not a complete nightmare. 

TGF my friend Tim - that we are still there for each other and can still encourage each other and that he is exercising again and feeling happier

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