Monday, May 14, 2007

lots to tgf

Thurs 10th May: TGF having fun in lessons today. TGF the 'justice' he let me have over the boy who on Wednesday made one of the most horrible comments to me ever...playing stool ball I bowled him out second ball...twice!

Fri 11th May: TGF friday treats taken to the extreme! jam scones and clotted cream at break followed by chips at the pub for lunch. TGF back pockets in trousers.

Sat 12th May: TGF hoods...with all mod cons! and TGF well travelled sweets.

Sun 13th May: TGF best buddies looking after me when my back hurt sooooo much. TGF my back hurting less when I had to do stuff at church. TGF the drumming that came from him in the hymn that had been awful in practice.

Mon 14th May: TGF smells.

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