Monday, May 28, 2007

Thurs 24th May: TGF Wests chocolate chunk cheesecake. TGF Auties that kick ass on countdown.

Fri 25th May: TGF Star Wars (Happy 30th Birthday) TGF finding me a place to sleep (trusting Him really worked, he got me a top bunk in an empty hostel room, with a stream of Harleys going by the window.

Sat 26th May: TGF Toni and Andy. I hope he blesses them and they have a very happy (if untidy) life together. TGF crazy Irish priests.. he was funny!

Sun 27th May: TGF Frankie. My baby died today. He was all curled up happily asleep in his nest though, so I guess its ok. Still sad though. TGF John who was wonderful and made everything good for me when I got home.

Mon 28th May: TGF a week with friends to look forward to in Bonsall. Even if it is raining.

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