Sunday, January 03, 2010

The journey

Is it all linked?

On thursday my GPS led me on a 3.5 hour ramble to get to Manchester. I had only 2 hours to get there. I managed to resign myself to the fact that when I finally got there (Airkix) I would be told that I was too late and would not be allowed to fly, then have the long journey straight home again.

That day I thought I was supposed to learn two things from this. That sometimes the journey is the reason.. and that things work out for the best in the end.

I was allowed to fly, and ended up being with a great instructor and some lovely other people. It was amazing. Also the GPS took me through the Peak district, on little roads that wound their way through snowy hills and valleys. It was beautiful. So beautiful I decided to go back the next day to get pictures. The next day was lovely too.

Today in church David started talking about GPS. He said that their only limitation was that they only take you the shortest most direct route. They don't take you on the most picturesque route (I wanted to contradict him at this point) or on the route where something good might happen, or the route that leads you to be able to help someone.

Do I TGF God for yet again answering my pleas for his guidance? Is he trying to tell me that I'll get there in the end? The destination is still the same.. and it will be great when I get there.. but there are some things to do on the journey?

I so badly want to give up on my journey. Even when God reassures me and guides me time and time again... I can't believe that its true.. I end up thinking that He can't exist.

God give me faith.

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