Saturday, January 02, 2010

Postcode lottery

TGF where I was born. I've just been reading Graeme's blog from Brazil (I know, I'm a tad behind the times) and he talked about the effect he hoped the trip would have on him. I think one of the effects of going to Tanzania for me was being more aware of how much I have to thank God for. I think I have got much better at thanking God, at the time, for little things. There are also big things that I have to thank God for. One of them is how being born in the UK has made such as difference. I'm editing photos from my brother's 30th birthday album that I scanned over the holidays. I came across this picture... reminds me of something from Tanzania that definitely had a lasting impact on me. My eyes look amusingly dodgy there, but I'm mostly chilled about how they are now, despite kids at school trying to wind me up about it. Thats because I met a child at one of Sister Sarah's clinics who had the same eye problems as me.. short sighted and a lazy eye. However, because he was born in Africa and not the UK... he was nearly blind.

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